Tryouts, News, Atom Rep, 2018-2019 (Port Stanley Minor Hockey)

This Team is part of the 2018-2019 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Sep 08, 2018 | S.Macpherson | 683 views
Welcome back to another Hockey Season!
Sorry about the late post, I was having problems with the webpage


Monday Sept 10th 6:00pm Port Stanley Arena
Wednesday Sept 12th 6:15pm Port Stanley Arena
Friday Sept 14th Exibition game vs Belmont 6:00pm Port Stanley Arena

The Team will be selected Friday after the Game and posted here Friday night. If your child has made the Team, we will have a practice Saturday 11:00am Port Stanley Arena. All other Players will be required to report to Local League Practice at 1:00pm on Saturday Port Stanley Arena.
We then have a Exibition game Sunday Sept16th at 5:00pm in Belmont.

Goalie Parents
We have 5 goalies trying out this year, we may or may not have our minds made up as of Friday and we might want to see another couple ice times before we make our final decision. This should not take any longer then after Sunday`s game.
See you all Monday!
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